
New project from IMM (International Media Ministries) needs funding and donor support. MM has little name recognition from potential donors and competes with other projects.


Use stunning print and media visuals to increase brand notability among potential donors and fundraise $50,000 for upcoming miniseries project.

Process and Solution

Field research into potential audience,
Implement brand campaign strategy,
Create content for print and digital media,
Follow up with engagement and analytics.

Use event booth and social media campaign to bring attention to the brand and upcoming projects, and an emotionally engaging presentation to potential donors.

Social Media Campaign

Three (3) months leading up to General Counsel, three (3) months after General Counsel

Social Media Story Features

My team designed and featured daily stories on Instagram and Facebook (majority audience). This alternated behind the scenes videos and photos, blogs from staff members, testimonials from those involved with filming, and relevant trivia to increase engagement and interest in the upcoming miniseries.

Using branding guidelines, designers were tasked with designing a specific grid for Instagram and designing templates for visually unified graphics. After the event, follow up included interviews and a virtual watch party for the 10 minute Esther Reveal.

Print Design

To support the fundraising efforts at General Counsel, our team developed a series of printed items using sub-branding guidelines. I worked with management to outline necessary printed materials for the identified audiences at General Counsel, and set a print delivery date for a month before the event.

Our print items were divided into two categories: event booth and fundraising dinner. At the booth, we designed a vinyl mat, brochures, and t-shirts for volunteers to use. For the fundraising dinner, we designed informational handouts and a photo wall backdrop.

(Our volunteer Kim, featured here, is wearing a branded t-shirt while volunteering at the event booth).

Video Screen Display

Our team utilized a large scale LED wall for video presentation. I lead a production team that designed soundless videos to be displayed behind the volunteer booth during General Counsel. We used the full palette of the 9m x 2.5m display, often breaking it down into sections, to run three types of videos: miniseries trailers, project clips, and IMM brand promos.

Notice the wings of the display were used for an ongoing display of QR codes that either lead to engagement with IMM directly or other information about projects or volunteer opportunities. The wings (left and right of the central display) ran on their own loop, separate of the 6 sections of content. At each 5 minute mark, the full screen would transition to show the IMM logo. The program was 45 minutes long, and repeated continuously through the 5 day event.

OTher Video Production

Two other videos were used for fundraising during the campaign.

  1. At the fundraising dinner, an interview and presentation of the Esther Reveal were produced to set up a general appeal for financial gifts.

  2. In September 2023 we hosted an online watch party for other followers to register and view the Esther Reveal. Early registrations came with a link to view exclusive content early, including several project trailers, crew BTS interviews, and exclusive interview with a key writer of the upcoming miniseries.


The goal of $50,000 was exceeded, our team raising over $150,000 in donor pledges for the upcoming miniseries. In addition, IMM secured an advantageous position at the next event in 2025, increasing brand notability.


Multimedia presentations across social media, print and video platforms lead to better presentation of key brand and project elements, increasing donor engagement and brand recognition.

Find the project on Behance and see other interactive elements.