August 2021 Newsletter || He is Faithful!
2 Timothy 2:13
If we are faithless, He remains faithful— for He cannot deny himself.
Young Adult Ministry Retreat in July
The dock at the Brigham’s river house
It’s exciting to update you that at the beginning of August, I finally submitted my Visa Application!
The process was long, and has definitely tested my faith, but I’ve been so thankful for you as a supporter— not just financially, but also in the way you’ve helped me carry the burden of prayer and hope. Thank you for everything, and I pray the Lord honors your faithfulness.
By the end of August and beginning of September I should hear back about my Visa, and then the next steps are pretty fast moving afterwards.
My family has been incredible in supporting me during this time, and I’m definitely seeing why the Lord has had me wait to go on the field. He’s been building something in my family and extended family that I wouldn’t have witnessed if I had been in Spain all these months.
Prayer Requests
There’s still a minor chance that I’ll be denied for a Visa. Pray that the Lord would be in this process, and that the officials from Spain would see my application and approve it quickly!
I’m definitely looking for a bit more monthly support by the end of August. I’ve attached a visual of where my support is so far. Please pray that the Lord would bring in the last percentage of monthly support.
Social Media and Giving
Join the private group “Glorified Above, Glorified Below” for updates